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Title: Análise físico-química e microbiologica de bebedouros do CCET-UFMA
Other Titles: Physical-chemical and microbiological analysis of drinking fountains at the CCET-UFMA
Authors: OLIVEIRA, Carla Serra
Keywords: qualidade de água;
water quality;
drinking fountains;
Issue Date: 29-Jul-2022
Publisher: Universidade Federal do Maranhão
Abstract: RESUMO: A água é fundamental para o equilíbrio e manutenção da vida na Terra. Corresponde cerca de 70% do corpo humano e é responsável por diversas funções do organismo. No entanto, para ser destinada ao consumo humano é preciso que seja tratada para não oferecer riscos à saúde humana. A análise físico-química e microbiológica da água é fundamental para verificar a garantia de sua qualidade da água através das especificações que determinam se as condições são adequadas àquelas exigidas pelos critérios de qualidade com respeito aos seus padrões de potabilidade. Os bebedouros são considerados fontes de contaminação em potencial visto que um único bebedouro, caso esteja contaminado, pode prejudicar a saúde de diversas pessoas que utilizam desse meio todos os dias. Deste modo, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar os parâmetros físico-químicos e microbiológicos presentes na água de bebedouros do CCET- UFMA em São Luís no Maranhão. Foram coletadas durante os meses de maio, junho e julho, amostras de água para serem analisadas de acordo com os seguintes parâmetros: pH, condutividade, sólidos totais dissolvidos, turbidez, cor aparente, temperatura, cloro residual livre, ferro, alcalinidade total e específicas, cloretos, magnésio, dureza total, cálcio, coliformes totais e Escherichia coli. Todos os procedimentos e o estudo dos resultados foram feitos usando como padrão as normas da Portaria GM/MS n° 888/2021 em consonância com a Portaria de Consolidação n° 05/2017-MS somado os métodos, técnicas e procedimentos oficiais de acordo com as normas ISO/IEC 17025 e Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewaters, 23º edição. De acordo com a análise dos resultados foi possível observar que todos os parâmetros estudados estavam dentro dos padrões exigidos, sendo somente o parâmetro microbiológico da determinação de coliformes totais na análise do bebedouro número 2 desconforme com a legislação.__ABSTRACT: Water is fundamental for the balance and maintenance of life on Earth. It corresponds to about 70% of the human body and is responsible for several functions in the body. However, to be destined for human consumption it needs to be treated so as not to offer any risk to human health. The physical-chemical and microbiological analysis of the water is fundamental to verify the guarantee of the water quality through the specifications that determine if the conditions are adequate to those required by the quality criteria with respect to its potability standards. Drinking fountains are considered potential sources of contamination since a single drinking fountain, if contaminated, can harm the health of several people who use this environment every day. Thus, the present study aimed at analyzing the physical-chemical and microbiological parameters in the water of drinking fountains at CCET- UFMA in São Luís, Maranhão. Water samples were collected during the months of May, June and July to be analyzed according to the following parameters: pH, conductivity, total dissolved solids, turbidity, apparent color, temperature, free residual chlorine, iron, total and specific alkalinity, chlorides, magnesium, total hardness, calcium, total coliforms and Escherichia coli. All procedures and the study of the results were done using as standard the norms of the GM/MS Ordinance No. 888/2021 in line with the Consolidation Ordinance No. 05/2017-MS added the official methods, techniques and procedures according to ISO/IEC 17025 and Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewaters, 23rd edition. According to the analysis of the results, it was possible to observe that all parameters studied were within the required standards, being only the microbiological parameter of the determination of total coliforms in the analysis of the number 2 drinking fountain that did not comply with the legislation.__Water is fundamental for the balance and maintenance of life on Earth. It corresponds to about 70% of the human body and is responsible for several functions in the body. However, to be destined for human consumption it needs to be treated so as not to offer any risk to human health. The physical-chemical and microbiological analysis of the water is fundamental to verify the guarantee of the water quality through the specifications that determine if the conditions are adequate to those required by the quality criteria with respect to its potability standards. Drinking fountains are considered potential sources of contamination since a single drinking fountain, if contaminated, can harm the health of several people who use this environment every day. Thus, the present study aimed at analyzing the physical-chemical and microbiological parameters in the water of drinking fountains at CCET- UFMA in São Luís, Maranhão. Water samples were collected during the months of May, June and July to be analyzed according to the following parameters: pH, conductivity, total dissolved solids, turbidity, apparent color, temperature, free residual chlorine, iron, total and specific alkalinity, chlorides, magnesium, total hardness, calcium, total coliforms and Escherichia coli. All procedures and the study of the results were done using as standard the norms of the GM/MS Ordinance No. 888/2021 in line with the Consolidation Ordinance No. 05/2017-MS added the official methods, techniques and procedures according to ISO/IEC 17025 and Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewaters, 23rd edition. According to the analysis of the results, it was possible to observe that all parameters studied were within the required standards, being only the microbiological parameter of the determination of total coliforms in the analysis of the number 2 drinking fountain that did not comply with the legislation.
Appears in Collections:TCCs de Graduação em Engenharia Química do Campus do Bacanga
TCCs de Graduação em Engenharia Química do Campus do Bacanga

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