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dc.contributor.authorVIANA, Ana Caroline Monte Negro-
dc.contributor.authorMACHADO, Joshuan Nicollas Santos-
dc.contributor.authorELOUF, Larisse-
dc.description.abstractRESUMO O turismo vem se destacando com expressividade na economia mundial. Está em constante expansão e diversificação, com a saturação dos destinos e das modalidades praticadas, as motivações e os interesses dos turistas acabam por se alterar. O Turismo Macabro é um segmento que vem ganhando notoriedade nos últimos anos, ganhando espaço para esses turistas, que têm sentido cada vez mais necessidade de inovação. O objetivo deste trabalho é formatar um roteiro turístico receptivo com base no segmento Turismo Macabro, em São Luís. São objetivos específicos: a) descrever o potencial para desenvolver o segmento na cidade; b) viabilizar a prática do Turismo Macabro, a partir da criação de roteiro turístico receptivo aos moldes de City Tour; c) identificar, descrever e mapear os atrativos turísticos que se relacionam com o segmento; d) Implantar um roteiro-experimental receptivo City Dark Tour para analisar seu potencial e viabilidade econômica. A metodologia utilizada envolveu a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental em publicações científicas, teses, artigos, dissertações, livros e páginas na internet, além de documentários no YouTube e Netflix sobre o tema em contexto internacional, nacional e local. Foi realizada uma pesquisa para identificar a demanda potencial, com aplicação de questionário online via Google Forms. Além da realização de pesquisas de campo que ocorreram entre meses de agosto a novembro com o intuito de identificar os atrativos, fazendo observações, registros fotográficos, mapeamento, tempo de execução e circuito a ser realizado. Vislumbrando a oportunidade da proposta do roteiro turístico City Dark Tour, verifica-se que São Luís possui potencial para desenvolver e implementar este segmento de turismo a partir das avaliações positivas feita pelos participantes do roteiro experimental e por ser uma cidade abraçada por lendas, inclusive uma que trata da sua própria destruição, quando a serpente que vive em seu subsolo, acordar.__ABSTRACT Tourism has been standing out with expressiveness in the world economy. It is in constant expansion and diversification, with the saturation of destinations and the modalities practiced, the motivations and interests of tourists end up changing. Macabre Tourism is a segment that has been gaining notoriety in recent years, gaining space for these tourists, who have increasingly felt the need for innovation. The objective of this work is to format a receptive tourist itinerary based on the Macabre Tourism segment, in São Luís. The specific objectives are: a) to describe the potential to develop the segment in the city; b) enable the practice of Macabre Tourism, based on the creation of a receptive tourist route along the lines of a City Tour; c) identify, describe and map the tourist attractions related to the segment; d) Implement a receptive experimental itinerary City Dark Tour to analyze its potential and economic viability. The methodology used involved bibliographical and documentary research in scientific publications, theses, articles, dissertations, books and websites, as well as documentaries on YouTube and Netflix on the subject in an international, national and local context. A survey was carried out to identify potential demand, with the application of an online questionnaire via Google Forms. In addition to carrying out field research that took place between August and November in order to identify the attractions, making observations, photographic records, mapping, execution time and circuit to be carried out. Glimpsing the opportunity of the proposed City Dark Tour tourist route, it appears that São Luís has the potential to develop and implement this tourism segment based on the positive evaluations made by the participants of the experimental route and because it is a city embraced by legends, including a which deals with its own destruction, when the serpent that lives underground wakes up.__ABSTRACT Tourism has been standing out with expressiveness in the world economy. It is in constant expansion and diversification, with the saturation of destinations and the modalities practiced, the motivations and interests of tourists end up changing. Macabre Tourism is a segment that has been gaining notoriety in recent years, gaining space for these tourists, who have increasingly felt the need for innovation. The objective of this work is to format a receptive tourist itinerary based on the Macabre Tourism segment, in São Luís. The specific objectives are: a) to describe the potential to develop the segment in the city; b) enable the practice of Macabre Tourism, based on the creation of a receptive tourist route along the lines of a City Tour; c) identify, describe and map the tourist attractions related to the segment; d) Implement a receptive experimental itinerary City Dark Tour to analyze its potential and economic viability. The methodology used involved bibliographical and documentary research in scientific publications, theses, articles, dissertations, books and websites, as well as documentaries on YouTube and Netflix on the subject in an international, national and local context. A survey was carried out to identify potential demand, with the application of an online questionnaire via Google Forms. In addition to carrying out field research that took place between August and November in order to identify the attractions, making observations, photographic records, mapping, execution time and circuit to be carried out. Glimpsing the opportunity of the proposed City Dark Tour tourist route, it appears that São Luís has the potential to develop and implement this tourism segment based on the positive evaluations made by the participants of the experimental route and because it is a city embraced by legends, including a which deals with its own destruction, when the serpent that lives underground wakes up.pt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Maranhãopt_BR
dc.subjectturismo macabro;pt_BR
dc.subjectcity dark tour;pt_BR
dc.subjectSão Luís;pt_BR
dc.subjectmacabre tourism;pt_BR
dc.subjectcity dark tour;pt_BR
dc.subjectSão Luís;pt_BR
dc.titleO terror como atração turística: proposta de roteiro na grande São Luíspt_BR
dc.title.alternativeTerror as a tourist attraction: itinerary proposal in greater São Luíspt_BR
Appears in Collections:TCCs de Graduação em Turismo do Campus do Bacanga

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